Access Emergency Support Services (ESS)
If you have been evacuated, you may get basic supports like accommodation, food, clothing and other temporary supports.
If you have home or tenant’s insurance, contact your insurance provider about coverage for living expenses during evacuations.

If You Are On Evacuation Order

1. Evacuate
Follow instructions from your First Nation or local government.
Contact your insurance provider. Most home and tenant’s insurance providers cover living expenses during evacuations.

2. Don’t have insurance or need help to meet your basic needs?
Create a profile for Emergency Support Services with the Evacuee Registration and Assistance (ERA) tool.

3. Access support online, by phone, or in-person at a reception centre
Once you have created a profile, you will receive instructions on how to receive supports, if eligible.
Already have a profile?
Log in and register.
Preparing For An Evacuation

1. Check your insurance policy for supports available if you are evacuated. Most home and tenant insurance providers cover living expenses in evacuations.

2. If you will need help to meet your basic needs while evacuated, create a profile for Emergency Support Services with the Evacuee Registration and Assistance (ERA) tool. If evacuated, this will help you access support online, by phone, or in-person at a reception centre.

For emergency event information, visit the website of your local government or First Nation, or go to

Information for responders
Responders who are responding to an active emergency, or who would like to access the ERA Training Environment can login below.

Information for suppliers
Suppliers who are registered to provide goods or services to evacuees during an emergency can submit their invoices and receipts online through the Supplier Portal.

About ESS
ESS provides short-term basic support to people impacted by disasters.
Learn more about ESS, including:
• When ESS is offered
• What supports are available
• Who supports ESS delivery
Share your feedback
Help us improve this website and how emergency information is communicated online.

Contact us
For General Assistance
If you need help with your Evacuee Registration and Assistance (ERA) profile or Service BC authentication, please contact our toll-free support line at 1-800-387-4258. Our support team is available:
Monday to Friday: 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM (excluding statutory holidays).
For ESS Responders
If you are a responder and require assistance with ERA or have any questions, please reach out to the ERA Support team at or toll-free at 1-844-537-7377. Please note this email or phone number should not be used for emergencies.